Got lost. Found myself. 

To say I had no direction in life, is a gross understatement. I was so desperately lost that it seemed there was no hope for me. 

And then…

One day, I woke up and said “I want to be a teacher!”. 

Those who knew me (the old me), knew that this was completely out of character and passed it off as one of my many phases. But I persisted. 

It was this overwhelming feeling. This light. This buzz. It had finally dawned on me, and I was about to make some serious life changes. 

I started by shedding all the negativity from my life. A complete detox. Everything needed to be fresh and new. 

I shed unhealthy friendships, drinking habits, negative thoughts, I shed it all. 

I kept with me only the hope that I would one day be able to impart knowledge to those needing it. 

That’s when my journey began. 

Since then, I have changed tremendously and my growth has been rapid. Realizing my true passion in life and following that dream has led me onto the path to knowing myself and realizing my higher state on consciousness. Knowing the true potential of my higher self. This in itself is a humbling experience. 

Ever since that realization, that spark, I have been highly blessed. 

I have been given opportunities to explore, acquire knowledge, grow and mostly find myself. I found myself. 

I found myself.

Okay, so now you know I was lost and have been found. Let’s get back to the Norway fun! 

(I just think it’s nice to sit back and reflect on what was and what is. Constant reflection and constructive criticism on your behavior is necessary in order to grow. And if you have things to be thankful for, then hey, BE THANKFUL. Be happy!)
Where were we again? Oh! Yes! Norway!

So, I found myself being blessed with the opportunity to study abroad and gain teaching practice experience in a Scandinavian country. (Wow, God is good. My parents are amazing. And life is dandy!) 

I have never traveled to Europe before, let alone Scandinavia, so I was not aware of what I was stepping in to. 

My observations so far on the Country and its people are as follows:

  • Most people lead a healthy lifestyle (this includes regular walking and eating habits as well as going to the gym etc).
  • The people respect nature and connect with it. 
  • They are solid, stable people with strong values. 
  • They are well organized.
  • They are self-sufficient.

These are just a few of my personal observations so far. 

The public transport system is so efficient and the people here respect the resources they are granted and do not abuse them! 

This country is clean and safe. The people here abide by the law and follow the rules and that makes staying here such a pleasure! 

I was a spoilt little princess in South Africa. My parents gave me everything and I never felt the need to learn how to cook or clean, because those things were always done for me. In all honesty, I should be embarrassed for being 25 years old and not knowing how to cook or clean. Buuuuuut, as I said, I was spoilt.

Being here for a week now has already taught me so much independence. I’ve learnt how to cook, clean my apartment (bathroom included) and take care of myself. I’ve managed to integrate myself into a class of international students and I’ve survived it so far! 

If you know me, like I mean, really know me. You will know how much of an achievement just this one week has been to me. 

From doing laundry, to cleaning windows, making my own breakfast,lunch and dinner to just being able to communicate and integrate myself into something much bigger than my own little comfort zone is HUGE! 

I am part of a student exchange program for 3 months along with 24 other students from various countries. The countries are: 

  • Greece
  • Spain
  • France
  • Belgium 
  • Finland
  • Hungary 
  • Ireland 
  • Tanzania 
  • The Slovak Republic 
  • And South Africa 

We have all come together in Norway to learn about the Norwegian Educational system with particular focus on Early childhood development, education and care. 

This beautiful country I will be calling home for the next 3 months, ranks as one of the best education systems in the world. Actually, hold up. It ranks as one of the best for healthcare, quality of life and per capita income too! 

Like seriously Norway? How efficient are you? How perfect can one country be?

The emphasis on the “welfare state” (please look it up if you don’t know what that means- it’s actually really interesting), the emphasis on mutual respect for people and the emphasis on humanity itself is astounding. 

We have a lot to learn from the Norwegians! 

I know I sound like a bias critic because I am only giving a view of the good. Guys, trust me, I would tell you if there was something bad. There just isn’t. Everything is seamless, ordered, consistent, ideal, flawless, harmonious, smooth, logical and absolute.

That is my personal opinion and observations of this country and it’s people so far. 

The view on education is so mind blowing that you will have to wait for my next blog post to read about it!  

Just know, that if you have ever invested in me, be it with your time, energy, friendship, finances, love, anything- just know that this experience (and whatever part you have played in my life to get me where I am today) is being absorbed and  cherished. 

I am growing. I’m learning. I’m socializing. I’m opening myself up to new ideas and systems of thought which were not possible until now. 

And thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your contribution to me and my life. 

My next post will discuss my observations on the Norwegian Educational system for early childhood development. 

But for now, I will leave you with a few pictures of my adventures over the past week. 

My flat mates from Italy and Holland. 

The flat mates and I had a candle lit pasta dinner on Friday night.  (How cute?!)

First sight of my college, in all her glory. 

The library ❤

Wearing ear warmers made for me by Debbie (Find her on Facebook: Keeping it Krosha!). Absolutely love my beanie and ear warmers made by her, with all her positive energy, especially for me. 

That’s just me being weird in front of college. Haha! Can just tell that I’m a tourist. 

Got an unlimited 3 month bus pass! Yay. Public transport is actually really functional and effective here so it’s exciting for me to ride the bus here. Also, there’s pics of me being a tourist and walking around in the city (Freeeeeeezing).

Catholic Church in the city. So beautiful.

A few selfies because, duh, it’s me. Haha. 

The international students 2017! 

This was just before I could give my first presentation. And while I am representing my country which is South Africa, it was also important for me to express my Indian origins because my culture is something I hold very close to my heart. 

South African of Indian origin in Europe! Note the huge shoes! It was cold haha! 

The Norwegian saying is :”There is such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”.

Riding at the baaaaack of the bus! And in class too. 

I’d like to leave on this thought:

Whatever you’re doing, do it with all your heart. Wherever you’re going, go without any fear and always have courage in your convictions. 

Believe in yourself. Dreams do come true! Mine did. 🙂 
Peace, love and light to you all ❤❤❤

18 thoughts on “Got lost. Found myself. 

  1. How awesome it is to follow your thoughts along your journey …I couldn’t be prouder of a student and budding teacher whose sure to make a big difference …You have already begun .

    Once again sending u sunny south African love&warmth Sona&Melody.

    Tiill next u log a blog ..😘😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Soni as I read I reminisce on my journey to Norway. The only beauty now is I am seeing it through your eyes, a whole new perspective – how exciting. I do agree with you 100%; nothing negative to say about Norway. I left with a huge piece of it in my heart – Just love it… keep posting, cannot wait to read your future posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh my gosh!!! Those pics are awesome and looks amazing🌸 Can’t wait to tell Debbie you loving her stuff 😜 Love the blog my friend 🙌🏻 Keep going you two are quite an inspiration💜

    Liked by 1 person

  4. To leave your family, friends and all you are comfortable with and go to another country, takes guts beyond what most people have. It really takes a strong person to pack up and go!!! Keep it up we are all very proud of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. WOW……. my daughter, words cannot express how proud we are.. This is only the beginning of a lifetime with , joy, peace happiness, strength. Your future does not lay in front of you ….it lies deep inside you. Remember life isn’t about finding yourself……its about creating yourself…….LIFE is about you and you can never rewind a day soooo…… Live it to the fullest.
    Miss you stacks. Stay blessed,
    Love you loads.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mom❤ for being that strong and powerful feminine divine energy in my life. Through you, I knew all things are possible and from you, I learnt how best to enjoy this life to its fullest!

      Thank you for giving me this opportunity to grow and develop. I love you more than words can express and I miss you dearly❤


  6. Wow Sona…what an amazing journey thus far. It takes a lot for a “spoiled” 25 year to be in a foreign country all alone. Haha just joking. Im so proud of you. Looking forward to enjoying your journey with you
    Love you lots
    Tash 💖

    Liked by 1 person

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